What is it?

Our system


The Findep Ethics Line is an internal communication channel through which you can anonymously, confidentially and securely report irregularities, situations or events that are outside our Principles, Values and Code of Conduct, and that also threaten the integrity of our employees and the assets of any of the Group's companies.

The information you provide is managed by EthicsGlobal, an external company specialized in these matters, which, being external to our organization, guarantees total independence and objectivity in its handling.

  • This Line is for internal use, that is, only for collaborators who belong to any of the companies that make up Grupo Findep.
  • The anonymity of the whistleblower is preserved.
  • The report generated is treated in an agile, confidential and professional manner.
  • The integrity of the information is guaranteed.
  • FINDEP will not retaliate against those who, in good faith, report an irregularity.

Please feel free to approach this Hotline through any of the means we have available for you.

Our Responsibility

  • To give attention to the reports received through the Findep Ethics Line channels, guaranteeing that the follow-up will be carried out in a secure, confidential and anonymous manner, without any type of repercussion or retaliation against the person making the report.

Your Responsibility

  • If you were affected, are a witness or have knowledge of inappropriate conduct, report it to avoid becoming an accomplice of this action.
  • Use the reporting channels provided by the company.
  • Follow up on reports to know the status of the investigation and, if necessary, add more information, evidence or recurrence.
  • Report in a responsible manner without the intention of harming anyone.